Our Software Solutions.

MBSE with CATIA Magic

CATIA Magic offers a range of software products and tools in model-driven engineering, system architecture, and software engineering. It is crucial for organizations to comply with specific industry standards and regulations making Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) critical to allow users to create models that are aligned with international modeling and system engineering standards.

Overview of CATIA Magic

Industries are increasingly adopting Systems Engineering to face unprecedented product complexity with highly regulated and competitive
environments. From automated driving to smart building to medical devices, Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is becoming the best practice to deliver mission-critical systems composed of mechatronics and software. MBSE enables organizations to analyze users and stakeholders needs, design, simulate and optimize the best solution, from mission to certification to retirement.

CATIA Magic integrates requirements, systems architecture, cross-disciplinary modeling & simulation – including embedded software, validation & verification, into one unified, collaborative and open environment. End-to-End traceability and change management support agile informed-decisions and ease the compliance to quality and certification standards. It truly represents a suite of best-in-class Model-based System Engineering and System of Systems Engineering software to provide the most robust and standards-compliant
tools in the market.

The Key Benefits of CATIA Magic

Speed-up Time To Market Agility

Analyze stakeholders needs and study best solutions trade-off thanks "what-if" analysis and simulation.

Anticipate Risks Better and Quicker

Take informed decision to identify change impact across disciplines and define best make / buy / reuse strategies.

Improve Quality and Reduce Costs

Detect integration errors and decrease physical testing cost thanks to virtual prototyping and simulation.

Comply to Market Requirements and Regulations

Manage end-to-end traceability and changes from requirement to hardware/software deliveries.

Leverage Standards and Openness

Accelerate MBSE adoption thanks to standards support (UAF, SysML, Modelica, FMI, Autosar, and more).

CATIA Magic Products

Systems of Systems Architect (MYH)

Leverage system-of-systems modeling and simulation to elaborate the optimal concept of operations achieving high performance missions.
• The most robust standards compliant DoDAF 2.0, MODAF, NAF 3, NAF 4, and UAF 1.0 via a UAF standardized solution.
• Fully supports all the architectural framework products ensuring you achieve project results.
• Leads the industry in integration in systems of systems engineering, ensuring that you achieve net-centric success.
• Meet your interoperability challenges with proven, tested CATIA Magic solutions.

Cyber Systems Engineer (MAH)

Industry-leading cross-platform collaborative model-based systems engineering environment.
• Industry-leading cross-platform collaborative Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) environment.
• Providing smart, robust, and intuitive tools to define, track, and visualize all aspects of systems in the most standard-compliant SysML models and diagrams.
• Run engineering analysis for design decisions evaluation and requirements verification, continuously check model consistency and track design progress with metrics.
• System models can be managed in remote repositories, stored as standard XMI files, or published to documents, images, and web views to address different stakeholder concerns.

Software Architect (MWA)

Providing smart, robust and intuitive tools to define, track and visualize all aspects of software and related systems architecture.
• Cross-Platform, collaborative software architecture engineering product, which provides smart, robust, and intuitive tools to define, track, and visualize all aspects of software and related system architecture using the most standard-compliant UML models and diagrams.
• Dynamic and versatile development tool facilitates analysis and design of Object Oriented (OO) systems and databases.
• Industry's best code engineering mechanism (with full round-trip support for Java, C++ and CORBA IDL programming languages), as well as database schema modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities.
• Industry standards-compliance and support as well as independence from specific development methodology.

Collaboration Studio (MCS)

Allows collaborative development and version model storage for large volumes of data.
• Collaborative development and version model storage for large volumes of data.
• Provides state-of-the-art model-governance (merging, branching, access control with secured connection), model analysis and integration with third-party tools.
• Works along with Magic Systems of Systems Architect, Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer and Magic.

CATIA Magic Add Ons

Magic Model Analyst (MSI)

Provides the first in the industry extendable model execution framework based on OMG fUML and W3C SCXML standards. Used along with the other tools, validate system behavior by executing, animating, and debugging models in the context of representative mock-ups of the intended user interface. With the Magic Model Analyst product, users can test how the system reacts to user interaction or predefined testing data and execution scenarios.

Why Trust Fidelis?

We know that purchasing and implementing new software can be a challenge, so we make every effort to offer a comfortable and seamless experience for all of our customers. This includes:

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