Our Software Solutions.

CST Studio Suite

Electromagnetic components are in almost everything we use today. Long established industries are being disrupted by new devices, and entirely new markets are opening up in fields such as medical, renewables and metatmaterials. Emag simulation allows for visionary designs and rapid development cycles.

Overview of CST Studio Suite

Electromagnetic (EM) components are crucial to the success of an ever-increasing range of products. Keeping up with these advances requires both outside-the-box designs and rapid, flexible development cycles.

CST Studio Suite is a high-performance 3D EM analysis software package for designing, analyzing and optimizing electromagnetic components and systems.

Electromagnetic field solvers for applications across the EM spectrum are contained within a single user interface in CST Studio Suite. The solvers can be coupled to perform hybrid simulations, giving engineers the flexibility to analyze whole systems made up of multiple components in an efficient and straightforward way. Co-design with other SIMULIA products allows EM simulation to be integrated into the design flow and drives the development process from the earliest stages.

CST Studio Suite Product Features

CST Studio Suite Design Environment

CST Design Environment

Fully parametric CAD interface for constructing and editing simulation models.

  • Ribbon-based interface
  • Two way link with Solidworks for efficient workflows
  • Geometry creation and editing
CST Studio Suite Human Body Models

Human Body Models

The interaction of EM fields in the human body is a crucial design consideration for many devices.

  • Inform product performance and safety
  • Voxel and CAD-based models
  • Detailed internal structure and realistic EM properties
CST Studio Suite Solvers

Best-in-Class Solvers

CST Studio Suite offers up a range of solvers, from general purpose to highly specialized.

  • Finite Element (FEM), Finite Integration Technique (FIT) and Transmission Line Matrix (TLM)
  • Static and low-frequency
  • Charged particle dynamics and high frequency
CST Studio Suite EM System Modeling

EM System Modeling

CST Studio Suite provides an environment that simplifies the management of simulation projects.

  • Analyze and optimize an entire device
  • Use relevant physical quantities such as currents, fields or S-parameter
  • Hybrid and multiphysics simulations
CST Studio Suite Automated Optimization

Automatic Optimization

CST offers automatic optimization routines for EM systems and devices.

  • Parameterize geometry and properties
  • Multiple optimization algorithms
  • HPC for faster simulations and optimization
Abaqus Customer Support


Fidelis is committed to customer enablement. Whether that means first-level support or custom tailored training, we’ll be there to help you get the most out of your software every step of the way.

5G Antenna Design with CST Studio Suite Whitepaper

Simulate to win in highly competitive markets

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Why Trust Fidelis?

We know that purchasing and implementing new software can be a challenge, so we make every effort to offer a comfortable and seamless experience for all of our customers. This includes:

Think CST Studio Suite might be right for your business? Contact us.

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