Our Software Solutions.


The impact of change is least significant during the early phases of product development – in terms of both timing and budget. PowerFLOW, with its inherently transient Lattice Boltzmann-based physics solver, allows us to quickly and accurately predict real-world conditions prior to any physical prototyping.

Overview of PowerFLOW

PowerFLOW accurately simulates fluid flow design problems for numerous industry sectors. The unique Lattice Boltzmann-based solver means that even the most complex aerodynamic and aeroacoustic problems can be met with phenomenal accuracy and timing.

Not all CFD software is created equal, and we, at Fidelis, specialize in the use of PowerFLOW to solve engineering challenges that others simply can’t handle.

PowerFLOW Product Features



Fully-featured surface mesh creation tool that prepares real life geometries.

  • Input CAD rendering to final mesh
  • Gap detection and closure
  • Geometry creation and editing
PowerFLOW Lattice Boltzmann

Lattice Boltzmann

Particle-based kinetic algorithm generates extremely accurate results, even with turbulence.

  • High fidelity, transient solution
  • Accurate from laminar to transonic
  • Automated domain discretization
PowerFLOW Rotating Geometry

Rotating Geometry

Ability to simulate true rotating geometry enables practical and accurate prediction of noise.

  • Accurate prediction of noise and performance of HVAC and cooling fans
  • Pumps, blowers, turbines, mixers and more
  • Any application that has rotating components and is transient in nature

Seamlessly Coupled

Seamlessly couples with other SIMULIA applications to perform expanded applications:

  • PowerTHERM for surface temperatures and flux
  • PowerCOOL for heat exchanger performance
  • PowerACOUSTICS for aeroacoustic noise

Rapid Simulations

Architected from the ground up for operation in HPC environments.

  • Near linear scalability up to hundreds of processor cores
  • One model, many simulations
  • Using SIMULIA’s integrated suite of products
Abaqus Customer Support


PowerFLOW is extremely powerful software performing highly complex calculations. Fortunately, Fidelis is one of the country’s leading PowerFLOW users and resellers and, as such, offers the utmost in services, training and support to get your team up and running with the minimum of fuss.

Why Trust Fidelis?

We know that purchasing and implementing new software can be a challenge, so we make every effort to offer a comfortable and seamless experience for all of our customers. This includes:

Think PowerFLOW might be right for your business?
Contact us.

We are here to help. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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